Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food



Variety Positioning

Fieldstar is one of the most consistent and reliable varieties that the UK market has had to offer. Producing high yields of top quality forage throughout the UK and sitting firm on the List, year in, year out, Fieldstar continually forms the backbone of many cropping plans. Highly proven for livestock, AD or grain maize, Fieldstar is both consistent and flexible.

  • FAO 180
  • 101% Relative DM yield
  • 18.3 Tonnes DM per Ha
  • 103% Relative starch yield
  • 6.31 Tonnes starch per Ha
  • 101% Relative ME yield
  • 215 GJ ME per Ha

Our View:
Fieldstar is one of the most consistent and reliable varieties that the UK market has had to offer. Producing high yields of top quality forage throughout the UK and sitting firm on the List, year in, year out, Fieldstar continually forms the backbone of many cropping plans.
Highly proven for livestock, AD or grain maize, Fieldstar is both consistent and flexible.


Breeder's Comments:
There is no better example of the stable reliable performance of LG breeding than Fieldstar. Fieldstar is a robust and proven variety, still above average in terms of both quality, agronomics and yield

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