Herbal leys & SFI environmental schemes
Within the new SFI options, multi-species leys are becoming more popular as they can provide many benefits for livestock, biodiversity and soil health.
The aim of the scheme is to provide varied root structures to help improve and maintain soil structure, carbon, biology and fertility.
Whilst following the voluntary guidance in version four of the SFI hand book, which is to use;
- Five grass species,
- Three legume species and;
- Five herb species.
Our SFI SAM3 mixtures have been designed to achieve the aims of the scheme. We know that each farms management regimes are different, speak to our Specialists to advise on which mix will suit your specific needs.
Agrii SFI SAM3 Grazing has been designed to produce high yields of good quality forage for all livestock.
The inclusion of Nifty Intermediate Diploid will help to create a dense sward, and along with the legumes and herbs, providing a resilient, valuable, and nutrient rich forage during periods of dry weather.
+ 4.80 kg Lofa Festulolium
+ 6.50 kg Nifty Intermediate Diploid
+ 2.50 kg Natosha Late Tetraploid
+ 0.80 kg Tower Tall fescue
+ 1.15 kg Comer Timothy
+ 0.50 kg Laura Meadow fescue
+ 1.10 kg Grazing White clover blend
+ 0.75 kg Red clover blend
+ 0.35 kg Alsike Clover
+ 0.65 kg Plantain
+ 0.45 kg Chicory
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Burnet
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Parsley
+ 0.05 kg Yarrow
+ Packed in 20.00 kg Bags
+ Suggested Seed Rate 12.00 – 14 kg/acre
Agrii SFI SAM3 Cutting will produce large cuts of quality silage which will also provide forage with variety when fed. If left to over mature, Chicory can become woody and cause fermentation issues when baled and wrapped as the stems can easily pierce film.
Rejections of this woody material can also happen when fed, for these reasons, this mixture does not include Chicory.
+ 4.80 kg Lofa Festulolium
+ 2.50 kg Boyne Intermediate Diploid
+ 6.50 kg Natosha Late Tetraploid
+ 0.80 kg Tower Tall fescue
+ 1.15 kg Comer Timothy
+ 0.50 kg Laura Meadow fescue
+ 1.10 kg Cutting White clover blend
+ 0.75 kg Red Clover Blend
+ 0.35 kg Alsike Clover
+ 0.65 kg Plantain
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Burnet
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Parsley
+ 0.45 kg Sainfoin
+ 0.05 kg Yarrow
+ Packed in 20.00 kg Bags
+ Suggested Seed Rate 12.00 – 14 kg/acre
Agrii SFI SAM3 No Red Clover has been formulated for the grazing of Livestock. It does not contain any Red Clover to ensure it does not cause bloat in Cattle when grazed.
Red Clovers also contain oestrogen which can affect the fertility of breeding ewes. The varied species within the formulation will provide a resilient, valuable, and nutrient rich forage during periods of dry weather
+ 5.30 kg Lofa Festulolium
+ 6.00 kg Nifty Intermediate Diploid
+ 2.50 kg Natosha Late Tetraploid
+ 0.80 kg Tower Tall fescue
+ 1.15 kg Comer Timothy
+ 0.50 kg Laura Meadow fescue
+ 1.55 kg Grazing White clover blend
+ 0.10 kg Birdsfoot Trefoil
+ 0.55 kg Alsike Clover
+ 0.65 kg Plantain
+ 0.45 kg Chicory
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Burnet
+ 0.20 kg Sheeps Parsley
+ 0.05 kg Yarrow
+ Packed in 20.00 kg Bags
+ Suggested Seed Rate 12.00 – 14 kg/acre
Agrii SFI SAM3 Overseeding can be drilled into existing pastures where a grower is looking to increase the population of grass, legumes, and herb species within the sward to meet the aims of the scheme.
As with all overseeding, any thatch in the base of the existing sward should be removed to allow good seed to soil contact and to also enhance light penetration to the young and emerging seedlings. For increased establishment, do not drill deeper than 10mm.
+ 4.95 kg Lofa Festulolium
+ 0.90 kg Tower Tall fescue
+ 0.50 kg Comer Timothy
+ 0.50 kg Laura Meadow fescue
+ 1.00 kg Dual Purpose White clover blend
+ 0.75 kg Red Clover Blend
+ 0.25 kg Alsike Clover
+ 0.65 kg Plantain
+ 0.30 kg Chicory
+ 0.10 kg Sheeps Burnet
+ 0.08 kg Sheeps Parsley
+ 0.02 kg Yarrow
+ Packed in 10.00 kg Bags
+ Suggested Seed Rate 10.00 kg/acre
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