Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

HSW Statement of intent

Health, Safety & Wellbeing - General Statement of Intent

Agrii UK is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment.

It is our vision to achieve an excellent safety and wellbeing culture through proportional risk management, leadership, commitment, and individual responsibility.

Agrii recognises that good health, safety and wellbeing performance is critical in ensuring the continued success of the business. To demonstrate our commitment, we will:

  • Exhibit visible and active leadership to promote a positive safety culture;

  • Integrate health, safety and wellbeing matters into our business decisions;

  • Ensure adequate resources are provided to enable delivery of this policy and its objectives;

  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill-


  • Ensure that all workplace risks are identified and mitigated to an acceptable level;

  • Provide and maintain safe premises, machinery and equipment;

  • Implement safe systems of work for all our higher risk work activities;

  • Commit to achieving year-on-year continual improvement in the performance of our health

    and safety management system;

  • Measure and report health, safety and wellbeing performance on a regular basis;

  • Implement an active programme of participation and consultation, with all our employees, on

    matters affecting their health, safety and wellbeing;

  • Actively promote positive mental health and wellbeing through policies, support services,

    information networks, and regular campaigns;

  • Provide a working environment where staff are offered suitable support, adjustments, and

    flexible working arrangements to allow them to achieve their fullest potential;

  • Ensure all employees are competent to do their work, providing clear instructions and

    information along with adequate training;

  • Comply with all applicable legislative requirements and industry best practice; and

  • Share this policy with every employee in the business as well as making it available to all stakeholders, business partners, customers and members of the public.

As Managing Director, I have ultimate responsibility for health, safety and wellbeing within Agrii. It is important, however, that we work collectively to ensure health, safety and wellbeing forms an integral part of our working culture, the decisions we make and the actions we take. Responsibilities for ensuring implementation of the arrangements underpinning this policy have been delegated through each member of the management chain and their respective team management structures.

Ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees is a shared responsibility; with support from everyone in the business we can achieve a high standard of health, safety and wellbeing.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and will be revised and updated as required.

Ronan Hughes, Managing Director