Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Sustainability Manager Amy Watkins

Let's find out more about how we support you on a journey to sustainable and profitable farming.

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There decision tools to determine micro-nutrient use or not are much more informative than they used to be:

  • Grain analysis is a useful retrospective tool to determine if the strategy followed the previous season was appropriate and more importantly if any of the elements assessed restricted yield.
  • Soil analysis, including organic matter, CEC, helps pre-determine which elements may help increase yield.
  • Tissue analysis provides a very good in-season guide as to crop need, more so with format from the Agrii/Lancrop which is more informative as to crop need by growth stage and crop potential .

Once any need for micro-nutrient has been established, the choice is then the formulation type, which is summarised in the following slides. Each formulation has its benefits and drawbacks, but across all types of  product, quality and provenance of raw material is critical in ensuring delivery of the micro-nutrient which has been identified as needed by the crop


Not all formulations are equal

Nitrate and Sulphate mixes

Nitrate and sulphate formulations were designed to help “carry” the micro element into the plant. Carbonates were successfully designed to overcome the tank mixing challenges that nitrate and sulphate formulations presented, but with caveat that uptake is very poor

Other Formulations to Maximise Nutrient Uptake

Other formulation options include lignosulphates, humics and fulvics, all of which act as mild, but sufficient chelating agents and which plants readily absorb and translocate within the plant. Fulvics are particularly adept at this, as this group are the active parts of the humic complex in terms of chelation and promoting micro-nutrient uptake and translocation

Boron Delivery Optimisation

Boron is a relatively immobile micro-nutrient i.e. broadly speaking it stays where it is applied when foliar applied. Polyol formulations have been demonstrated to be much more mobile within the plant, so are more reliable in delivering boron to where it is needed

Managing Copper in the Tank

Whilst not immobile, copper can be problematic in terms of tank mixing, through a combinations of e.g. water temperature/pH, tank mix partners, spray eater volume etc. The Polyol Cu formulation (PolyCu) has a built in adjuvant system which goes a long way to mitigate such challenges. But still follow tank mix guidelines.

We trust you find this information useful, which will be updated as needed.

If further details are required on any particular subject please ask your Agrii contact.

Micro Nutrient Decisions

What formulation properties are you looking for?

General Placeholder

Humic Formulations

♦ Rapidly absorbed & translocated
♦ Very compatible
♦ Enhances PGR performance
♦ Biostimulant effect

General Placeholder


General Placeholder

Nortrace Uptake Plus

Product Information Sheet
General Placeholder

Poly Activ Formulations

♦ 3 x faster penetration
♦ Enhanced translocation
♦ Very compatible
♦ Osmoprotective - Reduces stress & helps regulate metabolism

General Placeholder

Poly Activ B

General Placeholder

Poly Activ C

General Placeholder

Powder Formulations

♦ High loading of active ingredient
♦ Basic adjuvant system + citric acid to improve tank mixing
♦ Follow tank mix guidelines

General Placeholder


General Placeholder

TEKMag Special

General Placeholder

Cropsure Rape & Pulse mix

General Placeholder

Basic Formulations

♦ Good quality / basic formulation


General Placeholder


General Placeholder


General Placeholder

OpteMan DF

General Placeholder


General Placeholder


General Placeholder

Cutecor SitecCu

General Placeholder

Maize Micro Complex

Manganese Product Quality & Provenance

Manganese Product Quality & Provenance

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