Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

Name: Kathryn Styan
Job Title: Agronomist
No of years in the business: Five
Region: Andoversford (South)

Tell us about your role, what do you do?

Agronomist covering a full range of arable and fresh produce crops including broccoli, herbs, asparagus, beans and onions. I run NRoSO training sessions for my local area and also support the vegetable technical team.


How did you get started in Agriculture or your role?
My parents are fruit and veg farmers in the Vale of Evesham. I wanted a job that involved being outside but was also technical to keep the job interesting day to day.


What do you love most about your job?
The job is never the same two days running, having a wide variety of crops and customers to look after keeps things interesting. I have a great team of colleagues and we all get on well, both supporting each other with advice and having a laugh.


Any advice for people looking to get started in the industry?
Gaining experience at a trials company before becoming an agronomist gave invaluable experience at being able to diagnose or identify issues within a crop, whether it be weeds, pests, diseases or deficiencies. It’s also handy to have good communication skills and an awareness of how farmers think and run their businesses.


What is the biggest challenge you face in your role and why?
The intensity of the spring season is always a challenge and is a very busy time of the year. Good time management and organisation are key to getting through this! It is key to manage “chat” time with farmers, and not lose too much daylight time when the nights are drawing in!


In one word or a short sentence, how would you describe being an employee of Agrii?
Friendly, Challenging, Varied


Fun Fact about yourself?
I play cricket for Pershore Cricket Club

Take us through a day in your life.

Time of Year: September / October