Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

Name: Gavin Taylor
Job Title:
Crop Input Specialist - Seed
Previous Roles: Farm Saved Seed Sales Co-ordinator
No of years in the business:


Tell us about your role, what do you do?
Currently, I plan all the work for our Lincolnshire mobile seed cleaning team. In our busiest periods, we operate four machines from our site at Wigtoft. My primary focus is successfully and efficiently providing high-quality operators and machines to our large customer base.

What do you love most about your job?

Genuinely, I think our industry is fantastic. I meet a lot of interesting people and each day brings new challenges that I get to help solve. Although I may not say I ‘love’ that part every day of the week.

Any advice for people looking to get started in the industry?

Learn from those around you. The industry is packed full of experience and knowledge, I’ve been lucky learning from some of those people and hopefully will continue to do so.

What is the biggest challenge you face in your role and why?

Weather would be the easy answer, but really it’s the condensed window for seed processing. Although we always find a way and never leave an order incomplete, the pressures in our busy months can cause tensions internally and externally. It’s my job to make sure that our operators and staff feel supported in those high-stress moments.

In one word or a short sentence, how would you describe being an employee of Agrii?

In the most positive way… Motley!

Fun Fact about yourself?

I studied as a film producer and have produced over a dozen short films

Take us through a day in your life.

Time of Year: Late Winter / Early Spring